2012 is already off to a great start! As many of you already know the 57th Alumni Association (AA) reunion is set for October the 11th – 14th, 2012. We have already reserved the Altus Air force Base Family Community Center (FCC) for our reunion banquet (October 13th) and we have contracted with the Holiday Inn Express for our lodging at a daily rate of $77.00. Further reunion details will be forthcoming in a later e-mail or via posting on the alumni website.
How would you like to win two free tickets to the reunion banquet on October 13th? To do so, just submit to us a design of a patch that we could use to honor and celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the 57th. Requirements are as follows:
1. The patch design must be completely original artwork. Freehand styles or computer design accepted.
2. Size limitations: Design may be any shape as long as it fits within a 4-inch square.
3. Artwork may use up to 4 colors (not including black or white).
4. The patch must have the words "70th Anniversary" and "57th, TCS, 57th MAS, 57th AS, and 57th WPS designated on it somewhere.
5. Keep design simple. Large font and fewer details will make the patch stand out better.
6. To submit your design(s) e-mail to: alumni57th@gmail.com.
7. Your design must arrive not later than April 30th, 2012.
8. The 57th AA Board of Directors will choose the winning patch from the designs submitted.
The 57th Alumni Association continues to unite old friends, stir fond memories and rekindle the crewmember spirit that we all remember. Our Association is organized for the following purposes:
1. To provide social and recreational activities for and to maintain fraternal contacts between its members via our Reunions and Website;
2. Commemorate the aviation history of the 57thTroop Carrier Squadron, 57th Military Airlift Squadron, 57th Airlift Squadron and the 57th Weapons Squadron of the United States Air Force (USAF), its predecessor and mission-successor organizations;
3. Foster true patriotism, to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and at all times to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
4. To make financial grants or awards as the will of the majority of members dictates and the recipient of such funds or awards to qualify under Section 501 (c) (19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1984 or corresponding provisions of any future U.S. Internal Revenue Code;
5. To carry on programs to perpetuate the memory of deceased veterans and members of the Armed Forces and to comfort their survivors.
Over the past two years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of alumni participating in fraternal contacts between its members via our reunions and websites (http://www.57thalumni.com and https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_61965127586#!/groups/57th.alumni/). Have you joined? Also, you made lifelong friends and shared a lifetime of memories while you were with the 57th. If you're still in touch with an old buddy who doesn't know about the Association yet, be sure to either have him/her contact us or send their name and address to us so we can get them an application. This Association is about old friends and fond memories. A few more old friends helping us keep some of those somewhat foggy memories straight couldn't hurt (assuming they don't just clutter things up with erroneous information and conflicting details which might ruin a perfectly good war story)(application form is attached).
Have you been to the 57th Alumni Association website lately? Please help us update the 57th Squadron Directory. Visit the website @ http://57thalumni.com and check the Squadron Directory to ensure you are listed and that all information is correct. We have over seven hundred names in our Squadron Directory but only two hundred eight-two e-mail addresses. Any and all assistance to help locate 57th alumni would be appreciated (note: if you do not wish to have your contact information depicted on the website just let us know as we also maintain an off-line database).
Your Board of Directors continues to work on strengthening the association by recruiting and appointing individuals to the board to further the causes and management of the organization. With delight we welcome the following:
John Hendrick - Veterans Benefits Advisor - Works under the Vice – President
Don Jenkins - Alumni Membership Solicitor - Works under the Secretary
Troy Fore & Dennis Lenhart - Fund Raising Committee - Works under the Treasurer
Cecil Fultz - Tax & Non Profit Advisor - Works under the Treasurer
We are incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated, energetic group of people willing to work in support of the 57th Alumni Association. By the way, I am seeking a news letter editorJ.